The Most Famous, Non-Famous Comedian

Troy Thirdgill started out comedy by winning the Portland, Oregon Laff-Off in his first year of stand up. He then began to make a name for himself in the Northwest, headlining comedy clubs, casinos and even getting his name on burger at Harvey's comedy club in Portland.

"I moved to LA after the burger. I was young and I figured if I got enough TV credits, I might get my name on a combo meal or something." Whatever the reasons, it soon worked out.
Once in LA, things began quickly for the young comic. After 3 development deals, tv shows and a pilot, international tours and working with some of the legends in the business, Thirdgill now resides in Florida. He hasn't slowed down one bit or intends to. Working 30-40 weeks a year is nothing short of typical for this entertainer. "Why slow down? I've done everything I've always wanted to do but I am in love with this job...besides, if I ever did stop, what'll happen to the sandwich? Huge responcibility."